We’ve all heard the story of boy meets girl, they fall in love, and then sail off into the sunset together. But this tale isn’t just some fantasy. It’s an entrepreneurial adventure that spans the globe and culminates in a happily ever after in the Kootenays.

So, how did two geologists from the United Kingdom and South Africa meet, sail around the world and choose Nelson, B.C., as the location to start their own respective creative businesses, Bibby Fine Interiors and Bibby Fine Furniture? The husband and wife team of Mike and Charmain Bibby didn’t originally plan on being a fine furniture maker and interior designer, respectively. The couple met on an oil rig outside of South Africa, and that was the beginning of a special relationship and, sometime later, a business partnership. “South Africa's national oil company had a student scholarship program at that time, and one of their fresh young geology graduates, Charmain, was sent out to the rig for work experience,” said Mike. “She was shy and nervous in her first job, especially at a job location where she was one of only three women, so I thought I’d better take her under my wing.” Two years later, Mike’s application for Canadian residence was finalized so he and Charmain made the trek to Canada, where they journeyed to B.C., Alberta, and then the East Coast.

“We had this idea that before we settled down and did the family thing we would like to go travelling for a bit,” said Mike. “We ended up buying a boat in Nova Scotia and going off on a round-the-world-trip.”

There and back again

Seven years later, the Bibby’s wound up back in South Africa, where they stayed for a few years in close proximity to Charmain’s family. During that time, Charmain had baby twins, and Mike was working away from their African home for much of the time. That’s when they decided it was time to make their way back to the Great White North. “We always wanted to return to Canada, so we came up with this idea of returning to B.C. to embark on a second career doing something creative,” said Mike. “The reason we chose Nelson was because of the Fine Woodworking program at Selkirk College. It turned out that the Nelson area was pretty cool so we decided to stay. Our quiet corner of B.C. here certainly ticks a lot of boxes. Our kids love it too and enjoy a freedom they could never have in South Africa. This is a country full of opportunities for when they grow up.” Despite being scientists at heart and working in analytics for many years, the Bibby’s priorities changed as their twins continued to grow. “We wanted to be parents who were home every day to give our children the best family life they deserved, so we changed our hobbies into careers,” Mike said. Charmain started doing interior design when the twins went to pre-school and Mike joined the creative team a few years later. Both businesses—Bibby Fine Interiors and Bibby Fine Furniture—are run separately, but work in tandem together. Charmain is the visionary (read her insightful decorating tips below) and Mike can make just about anything—with the correct dimensions, perfect finish and detail to complement the entire room. “As an interior designer, there are often compromises when it comes to sourcing the perfect furniture item from mainstream stores,” said Mike. “Sometimes the size isn't ideal or the finish isn't perfect and that is where we complement each other so well. Considerable time and effort goes into our design. We aim to create the perfect look for our clients. We collaborate and we offer a quality service. Our furniture is made to order. There is no production line. We care about the details and we go the extra mile.” To stand out from the competition, Bibby Fine Furniture focuses on challenging, curvy designs. “It's hard to get the balance between an eye-catching, original design and a product that can be built in a time frame that allows us to price it at a level where it will actually sell,” Mike said. “We have a range of white oak round tables with nice curves and tapers that are our current number one.

Putting the “B” in Bibby Fine Furniture

Besides the curvaceous aesthetic, Mike’s carpentry also features a buzz-worthy insignia. “I grew up in rural Yorkshire in the UK where there is a strong tradition of oak furniture making,” said Mike. “All the furniture makers there put a personal stamp on their work by carving their little logo—usually an animal. There are mice, swans, knights—you name it. We decided on a bee. The bee ties in nicely with the Bibby ‘B’ on our original logo.”

Anyway you look at it, Mike and Charmain Bibby’s entrepreneurial globetrot has been anything but ordinary, and their varied backgrounds have only enhanced their distinctive brand. “Having sailed around the world and having lived on several continents, we bring a global perspective to our design styles,” said Mike. “We can connect to people from all walks of life and backgrounds.”

Love your space!

Charmain Bibby of Bibby Fine Interiors has an eye for design. If you’d like to perk up your home office or workspace, heed her expert advice and enjoy a brighter, more creative environment to live and work in.

What are some tips for designing a productive and creative home workspace?

A creative and productive working space can mean so many different things to us. One thing we recommend is to make sure your workspace is in a colour that ignites your creativity. Blue is considered the most productive of all colours and it is so popular with all genders.

What furnishings are outdated? Which are better than ever?

There seems to be a current trend to lighter and brighter interiors and that is why we are using natural, light-coloured woods such as birch, white oak and maple in most of our designs—no more honey oak and mahogany, yeah! In the rest of the interior design world, we currently see a lot of natural elements such as woven rugs, jute, rattan and always greenery.

What’s the best way to perk up a bland-looking room?

A room can be easily transformed with a new paint colour and fabrics with lots of texture and pattern. It doesn't have to be bright necessarily. Different textures at different heights in a room always bring interest to a space.

Article published on Kootenay Biz on August 4, written by Kyle Born.